When summer arrives and the temperatures outside soar, many people rush to switch on their air conditioning systems. But, aside from producing cool, comforting air, have you ever wondered if air conditioners help improve indoor air quality?

This question has a simple answer: It's complicated. Although air conditioning helps enhance air quality to some level, its usefulness primarily depends on the sort of air conditioner you have and how it is utilized. Let's go over this in greater depth below.

What Is Indoor Air Pollution?

Before understanding how AC improves air quality, let's define indoor air pollution and why it's a problem. Overall, indoor air pollution refers to numerous indoor contaminants that can hurt one's health.

In sensitive groups such as the elderly or small children, this pollution can cause respiratory issues, headaches, and more severe symptoms. Dust, pet dander, and pollen are examples of typical airborne contaminants.

How Do Air Conditioners Work?

Now that you know about indoor air pollution, it's time to learn why or how an air conditioner can prevent it by improving the air quality. But knowing how air conditioners work will help you understand.

First, the air conditioning unit's fans pull warm air in through a vent and blast it over the evaporator coil. The evaporator coil contains refrigerant, which absorbs heat from the heated air.

Then, the heat is removed because the refrigerant changes from liquid to gas. The refrigerant then travels toward the compressor, constraining the gas and raising its temperature and pressure.

Third, the refrigerant travels to the condenser, laced outside the house. This part is the condensing unit and the sole outdoor element of the HVAC system, which you probably consider when choosing an AC. The refrigerant is exposed and returns to liquid as the exterior air absorbs the heat. Finally, the refrigerant returns to the evaporator coil, repeating the process.

So, Does AC Improve Air Quality?

No house is complete without an air conditioning system. However, keeping cool isn't the only thing on many homeowners' minds. Many individuals seek ways to improve their indoor air quality because it is generally recognized that numerous airborne contaminants can negatively impact a household's health and comfort.

So, do air conditioners contribute to better indoor air quality? The answer is it depends. A typical air conditioning unit does not filter or clean your home's air. The primary function of an air conditioning system is to “condition” the air, which means it cools the heated air within the house. But, factors can still help enhance the air you breathe inside your house.

Air Filters

Did you know your air conditioner's air filter can assist in eliminating various airborne particles? This filter, positioned in the HVAC system, prevents dirt, dust, and other pollutants from recirculating back into your home. A properly operating HVAC system with a clean air filter can help enhance indoor air quality.

Although a professional technician will change the air filter in your air conditioner as part of yearly HVAC maintenance, you can also do it yourself. Depending on your unique demands, it is recommended that you change the filter at least once every 90 days.

Duct Cleaning

It's also worth noting that dust and other particles can accumulate in the air conditioner if your air ducts haven't been cleaned in a long time. As a result, these toxins may be reintroduced into your house. It would be best to consider hiring a professional specialist to clean your ducts.

Air Filtration System

These air conditioning units can be outfitted with air filtering systems. The filtration systems are put directly into your central air conditioner, which may trap pollutants and prevent them from recirculating back into your home. Your air conditioning unit can help enhance the interior air quality of your home by using an air purifier.

Home Ventilation

A well-ventilated home allows fresh air to flow and improves interior air quality. Opening your home's windows and doors can be an easy and inexpensive way to improve indoor air quality. When the outside temperature is mild, this is a good way to get fresh air without significantly affecting the internal temperature and humidity levels.

Stay Cool and Healthy with Air Conditioning

As you can see, air conditioners do not have a simple solution for enhancing air quality in your home. If an AC unit doesn't include a filtering system, it may not enhance indoor air quality as much as you'd like.

Additionally, updating your HVAC system's air filter and proper ventilation is critical to ensure the air quality in your house is safe and healthy. So, with that said, investing in an AC unit for your home is still worth it.

Buy Air Conditioners Online to see the ideal air conditioning unit you need for your space and experience a cooler and healthier environment inside your home.